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About us

The Ayr Art Circle is a friendly group of Professional and Amateur Artists...
and open to anyone who is interested in creating art and includes; Professionals, Amateurs, and those new to art making. People at any level of skill accepted.
The Ayr Art Circle is a charity registered in Scotland SC047658 and was founded in 1944 and is a club affiliated to the Ayr Arts Guild.
We have over 60 members. It is a supportive group of members. Ayr Art Circle own a studio in Ayr.
Although many members paint at home, the workshop sessions in the studio stimulate discussion and provide very helpful support and advice.
Members may use the studio at anytime and some small groups meet together on a regular basis throughout the year.
Ayr Art Circle Activities include; Demonstrations, meetings, critiques, exhibitions, workshops, syllabus, studio, en plein air painting, subscription is just £30 a year.
Come and join us! You would receive a warm welcome. Contact us
Please note -: All artwork displayed on this website remains the copyright of the artist.

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