Ayr Art Circle Autumn Syllabus 2024
Our syllabus includes demonstrations, crits, and workshops.
Wednesday 4th 7.00pm Crit night- bring one art piece to exhibit and one for critique, at Alloway Church Hall, 40 Alloway, KA7 4PQ.
Tuesday 17th 6 to 8pm Evening painting at the studio in Ayr and each Tuesday on.
Wednesday 18th 7.00pm Demonstration by Patsy Candlish - Animals with Attitiude! at Alloway Church Hall, 40 Alloway, KA7 4PQ.
Each Thursday 19th 2 to 4pm Afternoon painting at the studio at 74 Main Street Ayr KA8 8EF
Wednesday 2nd 7.00pm Bring your favourite painting for review and work night at Alloway Church Hall, 40 Alloway, KA7 4PQ.
Saturday 5th 10am to 3.30 Workshop Joan Lawson at Alloway church hall, 40 Alloway, KA7 4PQ.
Wednesday 23rd 7.00pm Demonstration by Elena Kourenkova - ‘Architecture with a difference!’ at Alloway Church Hall, 40 Alloway, KA7 4PQ.